Save a life and Wear this Coffee Filter Mask When You Go Outside
This is for all people young and old(er). It's my understanding that folks with existing conditions and over 60 are the most vulnerable to COVID-19 during this time. Younger people could unknowingly be asymptomatic or with very mild symptoms and infect others before they know they are infected. So, in order to protect everyone, it's advisable to wear a mask. Masks, however, are in limited supply and the masks that are out there, need to be saved for the medical soldiers!
Why the Coffee Filter Mask?
I'm currently in NYC during this crazy time of COVID-19. Naturally, my mom's worried about me. She's been sending me SEVERAL home videos (per week might I add) on "How to make a coffee filter mask."
I wanted to share these videos on the blog, social media and via newsletters with you guys just in case you needed a mask and couldn't find an N95 or medical mask BUT had access to coffee filters at home to use.
When I asked my mom if I could use her videos her response was a very enthusiastic, "NOOO!!! Unless you want me to be the laughing stock of the coffee community." But after a couple weeks of trying to DIY arts and crafts style a homemade mask and failing I convinced her to make a video she felt comfortable sharing. I'm not a DIY person. I'm a just lemme buy the damn thing and be done with it kind of person. More on that later, but can we take a moment to all give MOM a hand??? Thanks MOM!!!
In the video demo my mom uses a circle filter, similar to the one here:
HOWEVER, as you can see, the circle filter turns into a cone:
So any cone shaped filter, like v60 (top right), will work. Including flat bottom, top left (melita, the most common coffee filter of all time) filters and square filters, bottom:
So here's what you'll need:
A coffee filter
A scarf or neck warmer
An open mind
And Jesus (just kidding)
How to Make a Coffee Filter Mask
There are a few different ways you can use the filter under scarf or neck warmer. The idea is that the paper coffee filter adds an extra level of protection and filters out more than your scarf would filter out alone. This is where your open mind comes in handy. Think about what is most important to you. Think about what design will make you feel the most safe and protected when you go outside and start with that one!
For me, I feel most protected when my mask is thick and layered. I feel like the more dense the mask, the more protected I am.
Don't worry though, we'll help you out with a few ideas:
Here's the video MOM felt comfortable sharing:
Triple Layered Cake
In one video my mom had one side of the filter on the inside and another layer on the outside, I call it the triple layered cake:
Using a square filter...
- Unfold the square filter entirely, so it's single layered and flat.
- Cut out one quadrant so you have a small single layered square.
- Fold it in half diagonally like you'd cut a grilled cheese.
- Placed the filter pointy side down in the scarf like so:
A few more things to note
COVID-19 US exposure is expected to peak over the next week or so. But you can take these coffee filter mask tricks with you wherever you go. Personally I fly wearing a mask and it's helped me stay in good health while I travel. There are parts of the world known for being on fire during the dry season. Wearing a mask outside when there's ash flying around can help protect your lungs. You could just save a life next time the flu season comes around too.